
Thursday 23 June 2011

6 Dresses Every Woman Should Own..

Tajuk entry diatas macam bulan depan Company saya nak buat Annual Dinner pulak hihihihihih :)
i just Google or find something articles that can related to Woman.(well guys,maybe next time ok dokie ).

Six dresses every woman should have in her Closet.

Every woman should have a little black dress. Choose a material "that moves," to avoid wrinkles and fabric that clings in all the wrong places.

Red colors dress. Maybe try something new,not just black.

Always have a dress on hand that you can put a sweater over and accessorize.

You should always have a ball gown in your closet, "You just never know!"

An evening gown. You don't have to spend a million bucks to feel like a fortune at your next big event.

A great fitting dress
The most important dress any woman can own and for me is a dress that fits well. "Something you feel good in,because that's what you'll always go back to.

We need to know that A great fitting dress are:

- Great fit is the most important element of any dress.
- Color is always in style.
- A good dress is timeless, not one that makes you say, "What was I thinking?!" in one or two months.
- The best dress is one that you wear, not that wears you. "You should walk into a room and people should say, 'Oh, she looks great' — not 'Oh, that dress is beautiful,'

..........and the most important is you must be very confident whatever that you wear.

Tata Titi :)


moon said...

kak..kalo saya yg bertudung ni..apa yg ptt ada dlm closet saya?:) ce kongsi sikit..:p

RainiRizuan said...

ooh sungguh berkenan dgn dress htm tu...woww..m'ngancam abis...

zeffi said...

Moon:IsyaAllahhhh..nanti carikan utk moon yer.

Ani:ni yg itam no 5 tu ok tuh pakai baju dlm itam.ok per hihihihi.